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September 5, 2024
September 6, 2024
September 6, 2024
September 8, 2024

I’ve been wanting to experiment more with black & white Polaroid film, but it has been difficult to get packs of this film that aren’t outdated. I know I can use film that is more than 12 months from the production date, but in order to compare the results, I really want to find film that is within the 12 month window. 

These are some of my experiments, taken before I ran out of b&w film. Early morning double exposure shots (well, except for the one where I forgot to make “multiple exposures” be the last thing I set on the camera).

I’ve been trying to keep up my practice of free writing, while having my morning coffee. And some days, I just felt compelled to put down my pen for a few moments and to pick up the Polaroid camera.

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