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The video Misconstructions was the final piece that Jon Sasaki and I created, as part of our Yume. Digital Dreams collaboration.

On the page the play of slippages, I mentioned how this video piece grew out of our back and forth exchanges. Throughout our process of improvising, trusting, experimenting, sharing, and responding … of creating with whatever materials we had on hand and with whatever inspirations, questions, or ideas surfaced in the moment … we embraced the unknowns and the ‘happy accidents,’ and enjoyed the process of collaborative play.

As we mention in the video, we gave ourselves some guidelines for working on this piece:

  • When recording our origami instructions, we had to make a sincere attempt to clearly and accurately describe the steps.
  • We could not tell each other what the intended form was meant to be.
  • When following a set of instructions, we had to make a real attempt to understand and carry out the directives.
  • And it had to be done in one try with no pausing or re-listening to the audio recording.
Still from the video.

*   *   *

During the four weeks leading up to Misconstructions, we videotaped our attempts to follow each other’s instructional audio recordings. Below are eight of those videos:

video #1 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
video #2 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
video #3 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
video #4 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
video #5 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
video #6 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
video #7 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
video #8 – Baco’s instructions for Jon

*   *   *

If you’d like to try following our audio instructions, to see what wondrous forms you might end up with, here are the audio recordings. Have fun!

Audio #1 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
Audio #2 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
Audio #3 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
Audio #4 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
Audio #5 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
Audio #6 – Baco’s instructions for Jon
Audio #7 – Jon’s instructions for Baco
Audio #8 – Baco’s instructions for Jon

2 thoughts on “Misconstructions”

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Baco. I so enjoyed this project and the process. Beautifully done! I do want to try the instructions!! :)

    1. Sukh, it’s wonderful to hear that you want to try the instructions. You’ll have to let me know how it goes. I’d love to see a photo of what you end up folding, if you do give it a try.

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