2016 was a challenging year in many ways and as spring started to feel like summer, I found that I didn’t always have the (physical, mental, emotional) space or energy to dive into wings walking water. Although I did manage to occasionally do some text walking or writing. One thing that kept me going and that allowed me also to stay in touch with a few friends, was mindfully working on a simple postcard project titled simply. The first postcard in this series was simply (a rose and a pear) created on January 4th, 2016 and the final postcard of the year was simply (in process) created on December 31st, 2016.
There ended up being a total of ninety-three postcards. The following are photographs of some of them.

simply (a rose and a pear), simply (change under construction), simply (of verse)
simply (remembering), simply (cool clear water), simply (while language transfers language)
simply (infinity), simply (on a ride with Paper), simply (after a five bow quartet)

simply (flow+waiting), simply (monkey), simply (misc.)
simply (flight paths), simply (Petra), simply (clouds)
simply (still pondering), simply (here or here or here), simply (being here)

simply (beautiful tough), simply (butter), simply (ocean)
simply (an unexpected surprise), simply (of verse only), simply (love)
simply (pour), simply (heading west), simply (a garden)

simply (a day of clouds), simply (feeling), simply (occasions)
simply (spin), simply (words), simply (this?)
simply (cold), simply (like sunshine), simply (in process)